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Garn > Königanger > Radlsee

Price: Gladly request

Meeting area: Base Camp Dolomites

Departure: 9:00

From the Garner weather cross, follow trail no. 10 in the direction of Kühberg. Walk up through woods and mountain meadows until you get to the edge of the woods and the Stoanerne Mandl, the “stone man”. From here, take trail no. 10A up to the Königanger – the cross on the top of the mountain will lead your way. From Königanger, follow trail no. 7 to the Radlsee Lake mountain refuge hut. For the return journey, take trail no. 10, then no. 14, passing the Bruggerschupfe and up to the Kühhof. From here, take trail no. 17 back to your set-off point.

Difficulty : Difficult

Route length 12,3 km

Altitude difference : 1030 m

Duration : 5 hours 30 mins.